In my lifetime, I was on a yo-yo cycle with my weight since college. I would gain, lose and gain again. Never finding an exercise that I really loved or enjoyed. Exercise felt like punishment.

Exercise felt like something I had to do to lose weight. It was never fun or enjoyable and because I was always doing it at times I was trying to lose weight, it never felt “easy” or “do-able”. I have tried every diet under the sun: Atkins, military diet, keto, weight watchers, low carb, lemon cayenne pepper cleanse, 21 day fix, etc. – some with success, some with none, never finding anything that would work long term or was sustainable. 
Time and time again I would fall off the “diet” wagon, only to regain beyond my original starting point. Then back at square 1, trying to figure out which one would work this time. It was a never-ending vicious cycle. After having both of my sons, I began to watch as co-workers had weight loss surgery and started to research and inquire and follow their progress. I was finally convinced and took the plunge in December 2019. I was well over 300 lbs by this time and lost some before going into surgery. Over the next year and a half, I dropped over 130lbs. I was happy that my body was significantly smaller and my health was absolutely improved. 
However, I knew this was a tool and only part of the equation. I wanted more & I wanted this to last a lifetime. I can’t tell you how many warnings I heard and read about people who have this type of surgery, only to gain the weight back a few years out. I did NOT want to be in that category. In my neighborhood, I saw someone working out in their garage gym. Only they weren’t working out alone, they were working with a trainer. I was curious & reached out. 
From there, my entire outlook on exercise shifted. I had accountability in someone other than myself. I had someone helping me build confidence on how to perform exercises correctly. I had someone pushing me, motivating me, challenging me to do more. More reps, more weight, added resistance. I finally felt like I didn’t have to do straight cardio to see a change in my body. I finally felt like this type of exercise was “do-able” & sustainable. 
I finally felt like this was the long term regimen that would work for me. I finally found exercise, dare I say, enjoyable. Over the next year and a half, my body composition completely changed. I lost another 20 lbs but my body changed completely. I had endurance and strength like I’ve never had at any time in my life. For the first time, I felt confident in the gym. I felt confident about exercising.
From there, I wanted to continue to learn about training and have the skillset to share with others. So I pursued my Certification for Personal Training and the rest is history.
I don’t know the path I would be on without this type of training. I also don’t know the path I would be on had I found this way of training sooner in life – maybe I wouldn’t have needed the surgery. Who knows? But what I know now is that regardless of your journey, regardless of what you have or haven’t done, you CAN do this. You can find a way of exercising that is sustainable for your life, that is training for longevity. 
For anyone who follows me and more importantly for anyone who chooses to train with me, I want you to have the full history of my journey. I never want you to feel misled or uninformed. Everyone’s story is different, but this is mine. Thanks for choosing to be here.